
For Employees, Screen Time Breaks Are a Must | Technology

We live in a world of constant communication, where screen time is more popular than time with other human beings. In fact, the only face-to-face time some people have on a daily basis is FaceTime with a capital "F" and a "T."

If you own or run a business, you probably consider technology one of your biggest assets. That's probably true, but it can also be one of your biggest risk factors.

Too much screen time negatively affects workers' health, focus and performance. If you can find ways to limit this, it can be very beneficial for your business.

The dangers of excessive screen time

The human eye is a wonderful organ with incredible capabilities and rich features. It can see up to 7 million different colors and is capable of distinguishing between different textures, shapes, colors and tones.

But it is also true that the human eye needs regular breaks from certain types of light and other environmental factors to continue working at an efficient level. In particular, you need a break from blue light — the kind of light emitted by computers, phones, tablets and TVs.

A University of Toledo research study suggests that excessive exposure to blue light can accelerate blindness. "The macula, located at the back of the eye, helps process images before they are converted into electrical signals that are sent to the brain," explains Swagel Wootton Eye Institute.

A little drusen is unlikely to impair vision, but too much drusen can cause the macula to deteriorate and macular degeneration. can lead to degeneration, which ultimately leads to visual impairments."

When blue light hits light-sensitive cells in the macula, it can cause a specific molecule to turn on. This starts a chain reaction that can eventually damage the cells.

While the link between blue light and blindness is tenuous at best, experts at the institute acknowledge that spending too much time in front of a screen can have negative effects such as headaches, blurred vision and eye strain, Swagel-Woton cautions. There are.

In addition to the physical side effects, employees who spend all day in front of a screen have trouble sleeping, have a sharp decline in productivity throughout the day, and feel less connected to the people around them. are

From an employer's perspective, excessive screen time can lead to a lack of engagement and productivity, making it detrimental to business growth. Implementing broken screens in the office can benefit both workers and employers.

Benefits of taking a screen break

Not all employees may be able to take long breaks from screens, but you should try to find a way that requires short breaks. 

Just ask the students of Professor Mary Gomez, Ph.D., who uses fast media/screens as part of her psychology curriculum. "I was able to stay on top of my assignments and do all my work more efficiently and with more focus," writes one student.

 I could feel how focused my mind was when doing homework and how scattered I usually felt. I disappear completely.

It's not hard to see how a sharp or broken screen could have similar effects in the workplace. At a minimum, you should encourage and even require employees to take a 10-minute break from their computer screens every two hours.

It's easy to see such a move as a loss of productivity, but it will actually improve focus and promote greater efficiency when people return to work. 

Prepare your employees for success.

You can't control what your employees do in their free time, but you do have a say in their habits and interactions when they're at work. Do your staff a favor and sign up and be more mindful about screen time.

By implementing simple breaks, you can improve the physical and mental health of your employees, increase your company's productivity, and create a culture of focus and intention.

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